Dr. Aysha Sameen
Associate Professor
Development of nutritious dairy products, fortified, functional, and supplemented foods to improve the nutritional status among different communities. Alleviation of non-communicable diseases through the utilization of bioactive compounds from different plants. Dairy technology, with special reference to milk and milk products; worked on different types of cheese e.g., Cheddar, Mozzarella, Cream cheese spread, yogurt, and stabilizers for dairy products
Role in pknc
As a Chair of food fortification, I will manage the lab activities and develop fortification technologies and finalize the process to prepare the fortified products. Moreover, identification of suitable vehicle for micronutrient fortification in Pakistan scenario that will be more affordable for all communities. Development of composite flour and food multi mixes will also be carried out. At the final stage commercialization of the fortified food products will be done through collaboration with food industries.
publications No.
Impact Factor Publications: 50
Non-Impact Factor Publications: 20
Citations: 385
Book Edited: 1
Book Chapters: 07
Office ADDress
National Institute of Food Science & Technology, Faculty of Food, Nutrition & Home Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad-38040, Pakistan.
- http://www.uaf.edu.pk/EmployeeDetail.aspx?userid=420
- ayshasameen@uaf.edu.pk
- +92 041-9201105
- +92-332-6610733