Dr. Imran Pasha
Professor - Director General NIFSAT, Deputy Project Director/Co - PI of PKNC
Currently working as Professor at National Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFSAT) in University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. I am Ph.D. in Food Technology and have honored with 2 Post-Doctoral fellowships from USA and Australia. My research interests include Food Science, Nutrition, Food safety, Food analysis, value addition and especially grain science in terms of their safety, processing, nutrition, health and effective utilization. I have 124 publications in reputed impact factor journals along with book chapters, manuals. I have accomplished 13 research projects as a PI and Co PI funded by national and international agencies. Produced 11 Ph.D. and 122 M.Sc. Hons. Students. Received Best Young Research Scholar Award 2015/16 by HEC and research productivity award 2012, 2014, 2016 by Pakistan Council for Science & Technology, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad.
Role in pknc
I will be working as Deputy Project Director/Co-PI of PKNC and will be responsible to assist central Director/PI in overall project activities.
publications No.
Office ADDress
National Institute of Food Science and Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad-Pakistan |
- http://www.uaf.edu.pk/employees/EmployeeDetail.aspx?userid=432
- ipasha2001@uaf.edu.pk
- ipasha2001@yahoo.com
- 92-41-9200853
- 92-321-6886886
- +92-41-9200161/Ext. 3048, 3044