Dr. Muhammad Khalid Bashir
Associate Professor
Dr. Muhammad Khalid Bashir is serving the Institute of Agricultural & Resource Economics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Western Australia, Australia. His research interests are policy studies on food security, poverty, rural development, agricultural policy interventions and sustainable development. He has won various research grants on these subject areas from national and international funding agencies. He has published more than 55 research papers in national/international journals of repute. He has won 18 national/international awards including the Teaching award by media 2015, Best Research Paper Award by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan 2016, Best Young Researcher Award by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan 2019, Research Productivity Award by Pakistan Council for Science and Technology 2016, Publons Reviewer Award 2018, Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing 2018, Best Conference Paper awards 2018-19. Furthermore, University had nominated him for UNESCO and Alkharzmi awards in 2017 and 2019, respectively.
Role in pknc
As Co-chair of policy, advocacy and outreach, he will work on the development of policy and research implications of the research work done in the center. Furthermore, these implications will be disseminated to the concerned stakeholders as prescribed in this project.
publications No.
Non-Impact Factor Publications: 26
Citations: 1114
Books / Monographs / Proceedings Edited: 03
Book Chapters: 03
Office ADDress
Institute of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad-Pakistan |
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- khalid450@uaf.edu.pk
- +92-41-9200161
- +92-303-9176010